
Absolutes (First 10)

If a woman can relate to the following, it is time for an absolute reconsideration:
1) He knows exactly how many minutes it takes a woman to get from her job to the house.
2) The only friend a woman has is the man she loves.
3) Discussing relationship concerns always ends with the woman being so-called ungrateful for all he has "done".
4) Make-up love making is the platinum standard.
5) Wake up, cook breakfast, get the children ready, drop the children off, work, cook dinner, reluctantly make love are a woman's normal sequence of events.
6) "I know I forgot, but here it is," is the first sentence a woman hears before receiving yet another not well thought out gift.
7) His male friends all know his woman, but none of his female friends know her.
8) He knows the codes to unlock his woman's cell phone, passwords to her voice mail, e-mail key words and ATM pin, yet she doesn't have a key to his place.
9) The woman mistakes verbal abuse for honest opinion, but only when the words are coming from him.
10) The woman excuses the first time he hits her because he had a stressful day and just got caught up in the moment.
The journey toward true love begins within...

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